Think again if you think it’s normal to get sick when those around you are!
The immune system is made up of two types of immunity: innate immunity, which is non-specific, and adaptive immunity, which is specific. We have as many unspecialized and specialized little soldiers to fight unhealthy microbes.
Our system is divided into two types of immunity
Innate immunity: This is general (non-specific) and rapid (measured in minutes or hours) immunity. We are talking about our physical barriers, neutrophils, macrophages and our inflammatory response, etc.
Adaptive immunity: This is a very specific but slow immunity (measured in days). We are talking about B cells, T cells, immunoglobulins, etc.
These two types (innate and adaptive) are divided into 3 layers of immunity
Our physical and biochemical barriers: Skin, intestinal barrier, respiratory tract, etc.
Our immune cells: Leukocytes, granulocytes, lymphocytes, etc.
Our antibodies (immunoglobulins): IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, IgM
To maintain our physical and biochemical barriers, we need these nutrients:
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin E
- Vitamins B6, B9 and B12
- Iron
- Zinc
For our immune cells, we need these vitamins and minerals:
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin E
- Vitamins B6, B9, B12
- Zinc
- Iron
- Copper
- Selenium
- Magnesium
These nutrients have antimicrobial effects:
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin B6
- Zinc
- Iron
- Copper
- Selenium
- Magnesium
A lack: a nutrient deficiency
It is normal to think about supplementing when we know that a deficiency can lead to a decrease in the efficiency of our immune system. Didn’t our grandparents give cod liver oil to their children? A diet deficient in fresh fruits and vegetables, good fats, grain cereals and proteins leads to severe deficiencies that will affect the body’s ability to defend itself against microbes. A healthy, fresh and varied diet will always remain the basis of essential nutrient sources for maintaining good health.
An excess: Too much of certain foods
Sometimes, and especially in our affluent consumer societies, we may consume foods that lower our immune response. Sugar is certainly the one that is the most to decrease or eliminate because, in a 75 g dosage, it can significantly decrease immunity for 5 hours. (1) (2)
One can easily consume 75 g of sugar during one day:
- A can of soda contains about 40 grams of sugar.
- A low-fat sweetened yogurt may contain 47 grams of sugar.
- A cupcake contains about 46 grams of sugar.
- Sports drinks can contain about 35 grams of sugar.
Lifestyle habits to change
Alcohol (3), drugs (4), lack of sleep (5) and stress (6) are all factors that decrease immunity. It is therefore smart to limit the first two, to get enough sleep, which represents 7 to 8 hours for the majority of adults. Finally, modulating stress through yoga, tai-ji, Qi-gong or cardiac coherence exercises and meditation are winning strategies to have a resplendent immunity.
Finally, doing pleasant things and humor are royal ways to boost immunity. Have fun and your immunity will support you powerfully!

White cell (neutrophil) eating a bacteria (anthrax)
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