
Upcoming conferences in fall 2023 (In French Only)
Un cerveau en santé: concentration et difficultés d’apprentissage /A healthy brain: Concentration and learning disabilities (In French)
Thursday, October 19, 6:30 p.m. at La Moisson (360 rue Sicard, Sainte-Thérèse)
Did you know that there are not two types of attention deficit disorder, but seven? And that one in five Saguenay students (18%) was diagnosed with ADHD in 2018? In Flanders, Belgium, for children of the same age, the proportion was… 2.5%. Here there is overdiagnosis and overmedication compared to children of the same age in Flanders, who benefit from more psychoeducators, and neuroscience doctors who adopt non-pharmacological strategies first.
To reserve your place, please contact La Moisson directly:
(450) 437-3326 ext. 0
Cost: $25 + taxes / participant (1h30) ($10 La Moisson gift card offered)
Places limited to 14 participants

Boostez votre immunité /Boost your immunity (In French)
Thursday, December 7 at 6:30pm at La Moisson (360 rue Sicard, Sainte-Thérèse)
The immune system is optimal when the nervous system, hormones and our psyche are in coherence for optimal immunity. Psycho-neuro-endocrino-immunology (PNEI) is the science that emphasizes the importance of considering all control systems as interrelated and interdependent.
PNEI studies the impact of psychic events on the immune system. The field of psychoneuroimmunology is based on the identification of interrelationships between the central nervous system, the neuroendocrine system and the immune system that are sensitive to psychological and environmental factors.
To reserve your place, please contact La Moisson directly:
(450) 437-3326 ext. 0
Cost: $25 + taxes / participant (1h30) ($10 La Moisson gift card offered)
Places limited to 14 participants
Future conferences of 2024:
Équilibre hormonal et ménopause Jeudi, 1 février |
Stress sans détresse Jeudi, 15 février |
Quand l’appétit ( et l‘élimination ) va, tout va ! Jeudi, 14 mars |
Un cerveau en santé: prévenir l’Alzheimer et autres troubles du cerveau Jeudi, 11 avril |
Un cerveau en santé: prévenir et soulager l’anxiété et la dépression Jeudi, 9 mai |
La connexion intestin-cerveau Jeudi, 30 mai |

Qi-gong Workshop
I am pleased to announce that I will be offering a Qi-gong workshop on Tuesday, beginning September 17th!
This workshop will take place in the conference room of Avril Laval from 7pm to 8.30pm. The 10-lesson session ends on Tuesday, November 26 with a break on October 15.
Qi-gong is a traditional Chinese discipline based on liberation of vital energy, combining fluid movements, breathing exercises and concentration of the mind.
We will make together the shape of ten symbols of longevity so ten courses which will include the bases which are the breathing, the coordinated movement and the directed energy. It is therefore a meditation in motion that I invite you to live together.
Looking forward to live Qi-gong with you!
Qi-gong course: $ 50 deposit by Paypal
Conference in French

A Healthy Brain: gut-brain connexion
Tuesday, June 4th, 7 pm in Laval
Avril Supermarket at 1660 Boul. Le Corbusier, corner of Highway 15 and Boul. Saint-Martin, above the bistro.
The Challenge
I always invite you to take up the challenge 21/9: 21 consecutive days when you stop an unhealthy habit or you start a healthy lifestyle. You can extend your challenge up to 9 months of 28 days or 252 days.
Enjoy the challenge!