Attention Deficit Disorder: 2 types or 7 types?
Are we in front of a deficit of attention with or without hyperactivity or different other deficits of attention?
Attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity is more and more diagnosed in Quebec and sometimes you have to try several strategies based on drugs, supplements and lifestyle, before finding the right combination.
Why is it so difficult if there is only one type of attention deficit? This is because the brain is different from one individual to another and therefore requires solutions tailored to everyone!
Among structures that appeared unusually small, the amygdala involved in emotion management was the most affected, which would explain “the problems of regulation of emotions that affect a large number of people with ADHD,” the researchers said.
Reduced sizes, of the nucleus accumbens playing an important role in the treatment of the reward, as well as that of the hippocampus, would be at the origin of the disruption of the motivation and the emotions in the patients with ADHD. “[1]
“The researchers compared the brains of 1,713 people with ADHD to 1,529 healthy individuals. They collected by magnetic resonance images of the brain of the 3242 participants, who were aged 4 to 63 years and then noticed that: the volume of the entire brain and that of five brain regions located under the cortex, were smaller in children with ADHD than in those who were free. [2]
In this study, the researchers made their analysis with a NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) to see a static image versus a SPECTscan (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography, in French, TEMP: Mono Photonic Emission Tomoscintigraphy) to see the reconstruction. of an organ and its functioning (metabolism), here that of the brain.
“According to the authors of this international study published in The Lancet Psychiatry, this finding confirms that ADHD is a neurobiological disorder and not just a behavioral problem attributable to parental neglect or bad character. “
They observed that specific areas of the brain related to ADHD are reduced or atrophied [3].
On the other hand, in his clinics in the United States, Dr. Amen was able to do tens of thousands of SPECT scans and came to this conclusion: seven (7) types of attention deficits were observed!
Here they are :
Classic type 1
Inattentive and hyperactive
Type 2 inattentive
Inattentive for lack of dopamine
Type 3 hypervigilant
Difficulty moving from one topic of attention to another
Worries and obsessions
Type 4 temporal
Memory and emotional stability
Limbic type 5
Depressive tendency and lack of self-confidence
Type 6 ring of fire or fiery
Manic depression and allergies affecting the brain
Type 7 Anxious
Anxious and inattentive
Each type of attention deficit, or extended attention and hypersensitivity, requires a special protocol in nutritherapy, supplements, sometimes drugs and orthopedagogy / neuropsychology to best support the person with this special ability.
I invite you to my lecture on this topic on Wednesday, October 9th at 7:00 PM at Avril Laval.
Best regards,
Jean-Pierre Deschênes, ND.A.
[1] TDAH: La maturation du cerveau mise en cause. Le Devoir. Pauline Gravel Feb 17 ’17
According to the researchers, the results of their study reinforce the hypothesis that ADHD is due to a delay in brain maturation.
[2] TDAH: La maturation du cerveau mise en cause. Le Devoir. Pauline Gravel Feb 17 ’17
[3] Bilateral tonsils, accumbens, and hippocampus

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