The Way of Mindful Eating Program

January 20 to March 10, 2025

“Most of us know what to do to be healthier, but don’t do it. There’s a first step to take, and then being well supported makes the process easier.”

Do you suffer from:

  • Stomach aches
  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Reflux
  • Burping
  • Heartburn
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Alternating between the two
  • Mental fog
  • RashGuilt when you’re about to eat
  • Stress, thinking about eating

Imagine eight weeks where you are guided to learn how to better know for yourself which foods are good for you or which ones to put aside for the time being.

Imagine being given the means to stop feeling sick to your stomach or experiencing a host of negative emotions.

Practical exercises will be at the heart of this 5-week challenge

the five basic strategies to help my digestion
enzymes, HCL, bitters, bile, breathing
The four ways to know my intolerances
Diary, withdrawal-reintroduction, lab tests, physiotherapy test
The SMARTER+ rule
The seven factors of healthy transformation
Five powerful tools for food compulsions
Mindfulness meditation, sensory coherence, EFT tapping, kinesiology, auto-focusing



This program will enable you to

Discover the authentic pleasure of eating well and enjoying every meal, while exploring the heightened emotions associated with a balanced diet.

Being kind to yourself plays an essential role in this process, enabling you to free yourself from judgments and restrictive patterns.

Mindful eating is not just about losing weight.

It also promotes

better stress management
improved digestion
a stronger immune system
increased energy and
better mental health

Photo Jean-Pierre Deschênes

Your Guide and coach


Jean-Pierre Deschênes is an intolerance expert! He is a naturopath specializing in food intolerance and stress modulation. He has been exploring the gut-brain connection to food sensitivities and stress for over 30 years.

I’ve been down the “long, rocky, barefoot road” of tummy aches, sugar addiction, fatigue, depression, mental fog, food intolerances, hypoglycemia and bulimia. My children have experienced multiple food allergies and intolerances. I know what it’s like to accompany those you love! I’ve also lived with and gone through stage 3 cancer, and have now been in radical remission for over 2? years thanks to a treatment program based solely on natural approaches. I know it’s POSSIBLE to heal yourself with a program for digestion and digestive problems and/or emotional stress related to food.

The Mindful Eating program includes


Group Coaching

8 weeks Program: applied exercises

  • Five (8) videos of theory and exercises (pre-recorded /one per week)
  • Five (8) live Zoom group coaching sessions of approximately one hour (one per week)
  • Application of exercises together for each healthy transformation factor
  • Q&A on theory and practice
  • Nine (9) PDF documents included
  • How to read a label to detect foods to which you are intolerant
  • Food families
  • Food substitutes
  • Pro-inflammatory foods
  • The five basic strategies to help my digestion
    enzymes, HCL, bitters, bile, respiration
  • The four ways to find out about my intolerances
  • Diary, withdrawal-reintroduction, lab tests, physiotherapy test
  • The SMARTER+ rule
  • The seven factors of healthy transformation
  • Four powerful tools for food compulsions
  • Mindfulness meditation, sensory coherence, kinesiology, auto-focusing


PLUS a one-hour coaching session practice for addressing the emotional aspect with EFT (tapping and cleansing phrase). 


Sixteen lessons in eight weeks

  1. Understanding the importance of mindful eating
  2. The benefits of mindful eating
  3. Relaxation and slowness
  4. The nine hungers of Jan Chosen-Bays plus the tenth
  5. Inviting pleasure to the table
  6. Making peace between the hunger of the mouth and the hunger of the stomach
  7. Inviting joy to the table
  8. Heart hunger and our emotions
  9. Conditioning and eating
  10. Mental hunger and conditioning
  11. Inviting loving-kindness to the table
  12. Belly hunger and kindness
  13. Multitasking through mindful eating
  14. Gratitude and empathy for the body and all beings
  15. The microbiota is hungry too
  16. The essential role of equanimity or balance of mind

This program is designed to APPLY the best concrete tools to transform your relationship with food, and reduce your reactivity in the body: gas, bloating, burping, indigestion, stomach rustling, reflux, constipation, diarrhea, mental fog, anxiety or depression, etc. It’s the gut-brain connection APPLIED to everyday life!

You’ll also learn why your brain tends to favor behavior that isn’t what serves your health and well-being best. By observing yourself and calming your emotions with powerful techniques, you’ll be freer to make food choices AND your digestive and tummy symptoms will improve dramatically.

Strategies for sustaining change

Sustainability is the key to any transformation. This challenge doesn’t end after the 8 Weeks. You’ll learn strategies for sustaining these changes over the long term, overcoming common challenges such as eating out, managing daily stress and integrating these new habits into your social life.

A mind-body reconnection

The 8 Weeks Mindful Eating Challenge isn’t just a food program, it’s a reconnection with your body, your emotions and your environment. Ready to take up this challenge and transform your life? Engage with yourself for better digestive and general health, and lasting mental well-being.


“Good evening Jean-Pierre,

Since I don’t like to share on FB, I’m sending you this email to give you my feedback from my 10-day challenge.

I’m finding it hard to change my old habits. However, I’m paying more attention to the way I eat. I often go back to the 7 factors of healthy transformation. I took out the pasta during the challenge. In fact, I took it out of the pantry and gave it away since it hasn’t suited me for a while. I love pasta, it’s so good! I don’t think I was addicted to pasta. I have less bloating, cramps, mucus and so on. I know I have other foods I need to stop eating that also cause me discomfort, such as dairy products, breads, legumes… As we say: One food at a time.

During the challenge, on a few occasions, I took a moment of relaxation to ground myself; hand on heart and taking deep breaths before eating. I already eat slowly, but I try to be more aware, to be in the here and now and thinking of a joyful moment. I’m trying to enjoy my food, which isn’t easy. I’ve stopped eating my meals while watching videos. I’m kind to myself for forgetting so many things… Old habits die hard. At least one thing I used to do before eating was to bless and thank “The Universe” and all those who made this food available to nourish me.

In summary: I took notes to remind myself of the 7 factors that I keep close to me to remember. I really found it hard to stay vigilant at every meal and put these 7 factors into practice. It made me realize the importance of my thoughts, my emotions and my bad habits during meals.

Thank you so much for all these tips and exercises, which will definitely help me regain my physical well-being and which I will continue to put into practice.

A huge thank you!”



I have less bloating, cramps, mucus, etc.

“Good evening, Jean-Pierre,

I find it hard to change my old habits. On the other hand, I pay more attention to the way I eat. I often go back to the 7 factors of healthy transformation. I took out the pasta during the challenge…I have less bloating, cramps, mucus, etc. I know that there are other foods that I need to stop eating that also cause me discomfort, such as dairy products, breads, legumes… As we say: One food at a time.

Thank you so much for all your advice and exercises, which will definitely help me regain my physical well-being and which I will continue to put into practice.

A huge thank you!”


I love your approach and it's very instructive.

Thank you Jean-Pierre Deschênes, I love your approach and it’s very instructive. I’m looking forward to learning more about the concept of flavour. You are an excellent popularizer.

Doris-Angèle Bouchard

I really like what you said about not enjoying digestion.

I really like what you said about non-pleasure tending to make digestion more difficult, I’m a witness to this reality … sometimes I force myself to eat certain foods because they’re good for the body but I realize that if there’s no pleasure in it, it’s not beneficial … So I’ll make a change today! Thank you once again for triggering these realizations!

Éliane Lalonde

FREE Masterclass

During the webinar. we’ll see:

Three tips to reduce cravings
What makes my blood pressure/blood sugar rise besides salt/sugar?
Why food sometimes goes down well and other times doesn’t
Four strategies to help you digest better

You’re in luck! This FREE MasterClass is offered once a season.


Introduction to mindful eating

Introductory video
Video script
Three audio guided meditations (podcast)
How to feel my body better
Opening up to our five senses
Food for what it is:
not just nutritional content
not just flavours and textures, smells, sounds, touch and sight
Cost: $49
$99 value

Mindful eating

 Eight-week group program

Eight (8) live Zoom group coaching sessions of approximately one hour (one per week)
Application of exercises together for each healthy transformation factor
Eight (8) videos of theory and exercises
Nine (9) PDF documents included
Four ways to find out about my intolerances
How to spot undesirable ingredients on a label
Food families
Pro-inflammatory foods
Food substitutes
the five basic strategies to help my digestion
The SMARTER+ rule
The seven factors of healthy transformation
Four powerful tools for dealing with food compulsions
Plus a one-hour coaching session to tackle the emotional aspect with EFT (tapping and cleansing phrase).




All for $349 (before and including January 15, 2025)

$399 after January 16, 2025

$549 value

(8 recorded videos at $400 and PDFs at $49 and

EFT coaching at $100)



Mindful eating- VIP

Eight-week program: group & individual

Eight (8) live Zoom group coaching sessions of approximately one hour (one per week)
Application of exercises together for each healthy transformation factor
Eight (8) videos of theory and exercises
Nine (9) PDF documents included
The four ways to find out about my intolerances
How to spot undesirable ingredients on a label
Food families
Pro-inflammatory foods
Food substitutes
the five basic strategies to help my digestion
The SMARTER+ rule
The seven factors of healthy transformation
Four powerful tools for dealing with food compulsions
Plus a one-hour coaching session to address emotional issues with EFT (tapping and cleansing phrase)
Plus: 5 individual consultations: one 1-hour and four 30-minute sessions


all for $649 (including January 15, 2025)

699 after January 16, 2025

$849 value

(8 recorded videos at $400 and PDFs at $49 and

EFT coaching for $100 plus

5 individual consultations at $300)

Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back

After your first week, if you’re not completely satisfied, you’ll get your money back*. I promise you that what I offer is in line with the content of my program and that you’ll get results that match what you apply in your daily life.

* For the remaining portion of the seven weeks.

Cancellation policy and conditions (workshops and training courses)

– Cancellation by the organizer

NaturaMed reserves the right to cancel a workshop or training session up to three (3) days prior to the scheduled start date, in the event that the minimum number of participants is not reached or in the event of force majeure preventing the instructor from holding court. Naturamed will notify the participant and offer either a full refund of the sums already paid or a deferral of these sums to a workshop or training at a later date. Naturamed will not be held responsible for any expenses incurred by the participant for the purposes of the face-to-face workshop or training (hotel, airfare, meals, etc.)”.

– Cancellation by participant

The participant will be fully reimbursed if he/she cancels prior to the training and pro-rata to the training taken after it has begun.